No more buyers regret – How to shop during SALE season without falling pray to impulse buying.

It’s sale season in the interior design, furniture and home decor world and those are usually big expenditures in anybodies budget. 
Let’s make sure you only buy what you need, what will actually make a WOW difference and stay within your budget.
The last thing I’d want for you is to experience ‘buyers regret’.

Here is what any good interior designer checks to make sure their client will love the items they spend money on. Psst! Don’t tell.

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About Nic

Nic is a Designer, turned Cultural Adaptation Coach, turned Positive Psychology Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator.

She lived in 7 different countries, on three different continents, speaks 6 languages, and an avid advocate for the Inner Development Goals and on a mission to help design belonging and raise hope for all.

Meet with Nic via zoom