Make sure your international recruits stay and thrive.

I can help you make sure they have the support they need to adapt & succeed abroad and make this a place worth staying.

Trust is what makes people stay.

Talent that moves internationally and with family can't just focus on their solo-career. They have a responsibility towards their familys' wellbeing.

A company that understands and cares about a person beyond the ROI they bring to the position they were hired for, creates trust in the talent and more stability for the organisation.

You know this, because you're living the same reality:

At work we need to perform

At home we need to see perspective & regenerate.

Adapt & Succeed is taking the guess work out of "Now what?!" after having been hired abroad. It's helping with all phases of transition: before, during and after arrival. It is set out to help the participant to:

  • Reduce overwhelm
  • Reclaim your time & energy
  • Nurture deeper relationships
  • Rebound from setbacks
  • Live with more purpose
  • Adapt & Succeed Abroad

    on-demand, all-inclusive coaching, Plus individualized 1:1 support

    Replacing a talent will cost approx.

    2.5x their annual salary


    5Elements to wellbeing



    are mainly related to the work environment




    wellbeing are what we take care of at home - especially after CoVid.

    Unlike any other program of its kind, it provides strategies to address the mental and emotional hurdles commonly overlooked by traditional relocation assistance programs.

  • Circumstance-based care
  • Emotional adjustment strategies
  • Pre-departure & post-arrival roadmap
  • Time-mastery techniques
  • Cross-cultural smarts
  • Whether you’re a first-time expat or on your tenth assignment, an accompanying partner, a “lovepat,” or you’re repatriating back home. Trust Adapt & Succeed to be by your side so you can show up, stay on track, and flourish, even when things get challenging.

    Adapt & Succeed Abroad

    a 360° system to help you adjust and thrive at your new location.

    "There is no such thing as 'Work-Life-Balance' with work on the opposite side of private happiness. They're connected and informing eachother like inhale & exhale."

    Meet the team

    Nic Scholtysik

    Dipl.-Designer, better-Living-Activist, program facilitator

    Is an interior- & product designer who studied at RMIT University in Melbourne and graduated from FH Aachen in Germany.

    Nic grew up as a third-culture-kid to immigrant parents, lived in 7 countries in the last 19 years and is obsessed with the idea that all spaces should serve wellbeing.

    She founded A Home Worth Having in 2018 and loves her expat clients that are finally 'all in' and ready to make their home away from home THE home of their multi-cultural life.

    Sweden is her 7th country after Germany, USA, Australia, Scotland, France and Switzerland, where she raises 2 TCKs in a multi-cultural marriage.

    Sundae Schneider-Bean

    Executive Coach & Intercultural specialist, Program developer

    Sundae Schneider-Bean is an executive coach, experienced trainer and intercultural specialist. She is committed to helping professionals and their families live well and work successfully across cultures – without losing their sense of purpose and adventure. Her clients include European multi-national organizations, international NGOs, and Fortune 500 companies, representing 60 countries across 6 continents. Since 2013 Sundae has lived in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and most recently, Pretoria, South Africa. More about her can be found at



    A Home Worth Having,

    1400 Yverdon-les-bains, Switzerland

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