Embrace the European philosophy whole-heartedly

What does it take to create your home of your dreams?
What does it take to create a home, your home when you live far away from home? 
When you are from one culture but live in another. 
When the first excitement wears off and you realize there is more to the expat life than travelling and having only leisure time…
‘A Home Worth Having’ is about designing noteworthy homes that will remind their expat owners how remarkable they and their lives are so that they can face daily struggles with more joy and confidence. 
And let’s stop focussing plainly on the external praise of others. Let’s focusses instead on building an environment rooted our personalities, personal history and working towards our definition of a desirable future version of us.

Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for business success


The Whitepaper

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What does it take to make people see more potential and act on opportunities?

Unlock the Power of Regenerative Leadership! Elevate Your Team's Well-Being and Performance with Our Innovative EI Workshop.

About Nic

Nic is a Designer, turned Cultural Adaptation Coach, turned Positive Psychology Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator.

She lived in 7 different countries, on three different continents, speaks 6 languages, and an avid advocate for the Inner Development Goals and on a mission to help design belonging and raise hope for all.

Meet with Nic via zoom