Ana & Nic are inviting you to join

a dinner worth having.

Saturday, 21.January 2023, 17-20h

Spend an evening with

easy, good food

& great conversations

The idea is simple: 'feed the body' and 'nourish the soul'

around a dinner table with a selected group of people

that want to have deeply honest conversations.

We don't have the patience to wait for years until we 'find our tribe'.

We're taking the matter into our own hands and would like you to be part of it.

At the beginning of a new year everyone talks about 'purpose' for the next 12 months and what we want to change. That's cool, but how about we start with radical acceptance of what is first?!

As this is our 'pilot' we prepared a structure to guide the conversation. Just as a proper dinner has a food Menu, we'll also have a conversation menu!

No worries, we'll keep it light and playful.

But we are inviting you to ask yourself some personal questions:

  • What does 'wholeness' mean to you?
  • What would it take to 'feel truly whole' in life?
  • What's already good and where can you stop worrying?
  • What is the opposite of 'feeling whole'?
  • Obviously, a conversation lives off people wanting to share, but know that we won't make you if you don't want to.

    Each dinner will have a different theme & we start with:

    A year of wholeness.

    The goal is to spend an evening that is

    intentionally different.



    we want this evening to feel special & fun.


    Leave your house liking the way you look. Whatever that means to you. Come as plainly, as elegant, as colourful, as over-the-top as you like.

    Which is why there will be 'pop-up' rules:



    We didn't send this out to just anybody. You either know Ana, or Nic personally but might not know anybody else at the table. But we only picked cool people - like yourself.

    We put together a food and conversation menu that will fill ca. 3h and we ask you: to be open & be really there when you're there.



    This is an invitation. No hard feelings if it doesn't fit into your calendar this time. But we really care about this and put effort into it (or why else would we create e-invite?)

    So please know: IF you say YES now, but then can't come for whatever reason - you'll most likely won't get invited again.

    So please check you calendar in advance.

    Are you coming?

    please reply as soon as you can.

    we have 4-6 places available:

    R.S.V.P. here:

    My reply is: